Residential development approved in Wiltshire following a previous refusal
The site had previously been refused for residential development and later dismissed at appeal.
Our Brief
Our Client approached us following a previous planning application at the site being dismissed at appeal. The site, located close to Salisbury City Centre, comprised of a number of low-quality buildings being used as a vehicle repair workshop was constrained by the surrounding existing residential development. We were instructed to manage a new planning application and advise on how the design of a new development could successfully overcome the previous reasons for refusal.

Our Solution
Firstly, we thoroughly examined the previous application’s reasons for refusal and the Inspector’s appeal decision to understand the key issues. The key issues were ultimately based on impacts on residential amenity for both future occupiers and surrounding residents. Positively, the principle of development and the loss of the employment use were considered acceptable. We therefore advised 2 storey houses rather than a 3-storey block of flats would be more appropriate for the site and its surroundings. We also justified a lower car parking provision than the required standards due to the sustainable location of the site. Careful siting of houses across the site was also key in ensuring amenity impacts of existing and future residents would be acceptable. Atlas Planning Group prepared a comprehensive Planning Statement setting out the merits of the new proposal and how it overcame all previous problems.
Project Success
We worked proactively with Officers at Wiltshire Council who agreed the new scheme was acceptable. Full planning permission was granted for 5 new dwellings, maximising the value of the site and providing much needed new homes within Salisbury.