Heritage & Listed Buildings

Heritage Assets, such as Listed Buildings, are protected by law and therefore, if you wanted to develop or make changes to your listed buildings, this requires a Listed Building Consent application.

Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas are a significant part of our history that need to be protected but achieving planning permission or listed building consent need not be difficult. We have experience in helping secure listed building consent applications for a range of works and have successfully gained permissions for new developments in Conservation Areas. Find out more about some of our projects Atlas Planning Group have advised on in our project studies below.

Grade II* Listed Office Building to Residential Use

Our client’s objective was to convert their office building into a five bedroom residential dwelling in the centre of Bristol.

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Grade II* Listed Office Building to Residential Use

Residential Development in Reading Conservation Area

The client had bought a single storey 1950s style building that was previously used as a dentist.

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Residential Development in Reading Conservation Area

Listed Building Consent Application for a Grade II Listed Townhouse

The building was of early 18th century date, although it had a 19th century shop front.

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Listed Building Consent Application for a Grade II Listed Townhouse

For more information on any of our services please call us on 01722 638 008 or email info@atlasplanninggroup.co.uk

For more information on any of our services please call us on 01722 638 008 or email info@atlasplanninggroup.co.uk